
'No politics' button now exists in LinkedIn, other new features coming soon

LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky recently spoke to the Wall Street Journal's Joanna Stern in a video interview, wherein the networking platform was discussed in-depth and a feature you may not even know you had was focused on.

Midway through the WSJ's video, Stern details how you can find the "permit political content" button. Go to account preferences, followed past feed preferences, and either the button will exist in that location or it won't. According to Roslansky, it'southward under consideration for a wider rollout. What that means for y'all is that you may non even run into the slider at all, in the event you're not one of the users Microsoft is testing it with.

If you exercise see the choice in your account, know that it may have been there for some time. As spotted by ZDNet'southward Mary Jo Foley, LinkedIn has a help article on the slider that was last updated three months ago. Beyond telling y'all how to interact with the setting, the help article likewise defines what LinkedIn considers to be political content and so you know what you lot'll be blocking. "Currently, political content includes content such as political parties and candidates, election outcomes, and ballot initiatives."

According to LinkedIn's help page for the topic, the "allow political content" slider is only available to U.S. users and only supports the English language. Though, as the WSJ'south interview with Roslansky reiterated, the feature could go wider if it proves popular and useful enough amongst the current puddle of LinkedIn users giving it a test drive.


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